Main Page > Staff Laboratory of Parallel Algorithms and Structures > O. Bandman
Full name: Bandman Olga
Position: Chief researcher
  • Doctor degree in Computer Science, 1976.
  • Ph. D, 1964
  • Moscow Energetic Institute, 1950

Working room: 452
Phone: (+73833) 30-89-94
(+73833) 30-61-13(home)

Now I am with the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Novosibirsk. I am involved in fine-grained parallel computation investigations, particularly in modeling spatial dynamics by cellular automata, cellular neural networks and their composition.

Projects: fine-grain parallel computations.


1. О.Л.Бандман.Клеточно-нейронные модели пространственной динамики // Программирование, 1999, №1. – 1-15.

2. O.Bandman. Comparative Study of Cellular Automata Diffusion Models // Parallel Computing Technology PaCT-99. Proceedings of the International Conference.1999, St.-Petersburg.– Lecture Notes in Computer Science -Spriger: Berlin. (Ed.V.Malyshkin)– 1999.– Vol.1662.- 395-410.

3. О.Л.Бандман. Мелкозернистый параллелизм в вычислительной математике // Программирование.– 2001.– №4, 1-18

4. O. Bandman. A Hybrid Approach to Reaction-diffusion processes simulations // Parallel Computing Technology. PaCT-2001, Proceedings of the International Conference, 2001. - Novosibirsk.– Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Spriger:Berlin. – 2001. - Vol.2127 (Ed,V,Malyshkin) - 1-16

5. О.Л.Бандман. Клеточно-нейронный автомат.Дискретная модель динамики активных сред // Сборник трудов конференции, посвященной 90-летиюсо дня рождения А.А.Ляпунова (Новосибирск, 2001)

6 O.Bandman. Cellular-Neural Automaton: a Hybrid Model for Reaction-Diffusion Simulation // Future Generation Computing Systems.– Elsevier: Amsterdam.– 2002.–Vol.18. – 737-745.

7. O.Bandman. Simulation Spatial Dynamics by Probabilistic Cellular Automata // Fifth International Conference ACRI-2202, Geneva, 2002.– Lecture Notes in Computer Science.–Spriger: Berlin.–2002.–Vol.2493 (Ed. B.Chopard)..-10-19.

8. O. Bandman. Accuracy and stability of Spatial Dynamics Simulation by Cellular Automata Evolution // Parallel Computing Technologies PaCT-2003 , Proceedings of the International Conference, 2003,Nizhny Novgorod.– Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2694 (ed.V.Malyshkin) .-20-34.

9. О.Л.Бандман. Клеточно-автоматное моделирование диффузионно-реакционных процессов // Автометрия № 3, том 39, 2003.- 2003. – 1-16.

10. O. Bandman. Algebraic Properties of Cellular Automata: The Basis for Composition Technique // Proceedings of the International Conference ACRI-2004. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science .- Vol. 3305, 2004
(Eds: P. M. A. Sloot, B, Chopard, A. G. Hoekstra ).- 688 - 697