Main Page > Staff Laboratory of Parallel Program Synthesis > V. Malyshkin
Full name: Victor Malyshkin
Position: Head of the Department
  • Doctor of Sciences (the highest degree) in 1993 with the subject: "Organization of Parallel Computations on Large-Block Multicomputers", from Novosibirsk State University (Russia).
  • Ph.D. in 1984 with the subject: "Parallel Program Synthesis on the Basis of Computational Models", from Computing Centre of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk (Russia).
  • M.Sc. (Mathematics, theory of functions), Tomsk State University. 1970.
Working room: 437
Phone: (+73833) 30-89-94

Research interests are:

  • parallel computing technologies,
  • parallel system and application software,
  • parallel program synthesis,
  • parallel system architectures,
  • parallel languages and programming,
  • cluster computing supercomputer applications.
  • Triliteral French-German-Russian project "Universities of XXI century".
    Development of cooperation in large scale numerical modeling
  • NWO-GRID, contract NWO-RFBS 047.016.007
    Cooperative project in large scale numerical modeling on GRID
  • NWO-Plasma, contract NWO-RFBS 047.016.018
    Cooperative project for the development of 3D code for silan plasma simulation
  • NumGRID
    Development of system software for high performance execution of MPI programs on GRID. Intended to support the use of GRID of heterogeneous multicomputers for super large scale numerical modeling.
  • Грант ФЦП "Интеграция"«Интеграция науки и высшего образования России на 2002-2006 годы» , контракт № Б0072/836
  • Грант Президиума РАН 17.3 «Методы и технологии распараллеливания алгоритмов и параллельная реализация численного моделирования на многопроцессорных системах»


  1. Вальковский В.А., Малышкин В.Э. Синтез параллельных программ и систем на вычислительных моделях. Издательство "Наука", Сибирское отд-е, Новосибирск, 1988г. 129 стр. (V.Valkovskii, V.Malyshkin. Parallel Programs and Systems Synthesis on the basis of Computational Models. Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1988, pp.129)
  2. V.E.Malyshkin, A.A.Tsygulin. Generator ParaGen of parallel programs implementing numerical models. Autometriya, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2003, pp. 124-135
  3. V.E.Malyshkin, A.A.Romanenko. GEPARD . General Parallel Debugger for MVS-1000/M. In LNCS, vol. 2763, 2003, Springer Verlag, pp 519-523.
  4. E.A.Kuksheva, V.E.Malyshkin, S.A.Nikitin, A.V.Snytnikov, V.N.Snytnikov, V.A.Vshivkov. Numerical Simulation of Self-Organisation in Gravitationally Unstable media on Supercomputers. In LNCS, Springer Verlag, Vol. 2763, pp 354-383, 2003.
  5. Kraeva M.A., Malyshkin V.E. Assembly Technology for Parallel Realization of Numerical Models on MIMD-Multicomputers. In the Journal on Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsiever Science, Vol.17 (2001), No. 6, pp. 755-765.
  6. Malyshkin V.E. Parallel Computing Technologies: Possibilities and Limitations. In Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Emerging Technologies and New Challenges in Information Society. Aizu, Japan, November 5-8, 2000, pp.i1-i7.
  7. В.Э.Малышкин. Введение в параллельное программирование мультикомпьютеров. Новосибирск, 2003, ИВМ и МГ СО РАН,268 стр.
  8. V.Malyshkin, I.Naumkin, N.Malyshkin, V.Korneev, M.Ostapkevich. Digital Electromagnetic Model of the Power System: Parallel Implementation for Multicomputers. . In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering. (PARELEC 2004). The Fourth Workshop on System Design Automation, SDA2004 University of Technology Dresden, Germany, September 7-10, 2004, pp. 380-386.
  9. V.Malyshkin. Concepts and Operationalism, Turbulence and Ontology, Specification and Implementation in Software Engineering. In series New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, IOS Press, Vol. 111, pp. 49-54. Proceeding of the SoMeT.04 Int. conference, 28-30 September 2004, Leipzig, Germany.
  10. D.Fougere, M.Gorodnichev, N.Malyshkin, V.Malyshkin, A. Merkulov, B.Roux. NumGrid middleware: MPI support for computational grids. In Proceedings of the 8-th Int. conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2005), Krasnoyarsk, September 5-9, 2005. LNCS, Vol. 3606, pp. 313-320, Springer Verlag.
  11. Victor Malyshkin, Yuri Zagorulko. Limitation and Possibilities of Automation on the Way from Intention to Program. In the Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conference on Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, pp.194-206, Tokyo, Japan. IOS Press.
  12. В.Э. Малышкин, В.Д. Корнеев. Параллельное программирование мультикомпьютеров. – Новосибирск, 2006. – 296 с.

Master students supervised: